When I first started using STARS I wasn’t quite sure how to work it. A lot of the tasks we were suppose to do seemed pretty hidden and took some digging to get to, but once we did everything came together. Plugging in information was probably the easiest and most satisfying part of the whole process. Overall, I think it was a bit confusing at first, but was worth it in the end.
AHA Moment
Using STARS tought me a lot about sustainability and a lot about UNE’s involvement in it. Before the project, I had no idea that UNE had sustainable gardens on campus or that we had a bee keeping site. I also learned a lot about aspects qualify a campus to be sustainable and that there are things I can do as a UNE student to help keep things sustainable. After doing this project and using STARS I think I have a greater respect for the work that UNE does to keep UNE green.