1. From what I know about my schools president, he is accessible, responsive, and he participates actively in the school. He is accessible because (from what I’ve heard) he replies quickly to emails and is open-minded when listening to students concerns. This is important because it means he’s willing to hear all voices, no matter how small. He is responsive because of the open mind that he has. It’s important to be responsive to problems and be willing to offer solutions. No idea or concern is ever struck down or too big. He most definitely is active in the schools activities such as sports games and other things. This is important because it shows a genuine interest in the school he heads.
2. To me “Anthropocene” means a period where humans influenced the earth to a point where there was obvious harm that could be seen from space.
3. To spark transformational change I could, take a step into the “limelight” and ask my fellow peers to complete surveys about the campus environment.
4. I relate the most to urgency and patience because I think some projects are big and urgent, but in order for things to be done right, they require patience. The author walks us through all the little details that had to be done right in order to make the bigger details worthwhile. Also, it’s important to be able to decide what the more important things are to do.
5. I guess my last few questions are, how do I get people involved? And how do I find something worth getting people involved in?